VAT advice
Build capability, remove barriers
VAT regulations in Switzerland have become extremely complex over the last few years. In the wake of globalisation, companies frequently have questions about VAT on cross-border transactions. It can be very difficult to see through the thicket of rules and regulations and find the relevant VAT provisions and developments. Following VAT regulations correctly is essential to avoid significant arrears or unnecessary tax liabilities abroad. Even in well organised businesses mistakes can occur, and in most cases taxes can be optimised. We see VAT as an area full of risks and opportunities.
Advice on cross-border issues
Despite the EU harmonisation provided in Directive 6, VAT legislation in individual EU member states is unfortunately not uniform, and practical application by national tax authorities even less so. This makes cross-border VAT advice all the more important. Our global network enables us to solve VAT questions relating to deliveries and services in the EU and beyond, allowing clients to optimise cross-border tax arrangements.
Industry-specific support
For industries like financials and insurance and companies in the liberalised energy market VAT has become increasingly complicated. It is precisely in these areas that our specialists offer a wealth of experience and expertise.
Our team give you the perspective and support you need to manage indirect taxes effectively.
Our services
- VAT on cross-border transaction
- VAT registration in Switzerland
- Refund of Swiss-VAT for foreign companies